audit & Compliance

An internal audit is a documented system for reviewing an OHS/WHS Management Systems, processes and practices. Audits evaluate health and safety systems, processes and practices for:
For more information or to arrange a consultation contact us here
- Effectiveness and efficiency
- Compliance with legislative requirements, guidelines and industry best practice
- Input to continuous improvement
- Certification requirements
- Management System audit
Management system auditing reviews the structure and effectiveness of systems, procedures and processes against articulated health and safety goals - Compliance audit
Compliance auditing evaluates health and safety systems for compliance with legislative requirements, guidelines and industry best practice - Risk based audit
Risk based auditing evaluates the effectiveness of specific risk management processes. Common areas of risk based audits are confined space entry, working at height, trenching and traffic management.
- Federal WHS Regulations
- State regulations and Codes of Practice
- AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
- OSHAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management
- AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
- Individual Australian standards applicable to your workplace
For more information or to arrange a consultation contact us here
Certification of Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Management Systems to Australian and International Standards brings substantial benefits and competitive advantage to businesses through:
- Consistent and efficient application of management processes
- Definition of responsibilities and accountabilities
- Compliance with tendering requirements within the public sector
- Development of work ethics and safety culture
- Driving continuous improvement
- Ensuring health, safety and welfare of employees
- Reduced incidents and associated costs
- Reduced environmental impact
- AS/NZS ISO 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems,
- ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems and
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management standards
- Individual Australian standards applicable to your workplace
cross border compliance
If your business operates across state and territory borders and in multiple jurisdictions, the chances are you are faced with satisfying your health and safety obligations in both harmonised and un-harmonised systems. Until the harmonisation process of WHS legislation and regulations is complete, navigating multiple jurisdictions will remain a challenge for many businesses.
PJL WHS Consultants have extensive experience managing health and safety under Victoria legislation/regulations and in the harmonised systems of South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. Our consultants can lead you through the requirements of identifying and mitigating risks in cross jurisdictional work environments.
For more information or to arrange a consultation CONTACT
PJL WHS Consultants have extensive experience managing health and safety under Victoria legislation/regulations and in the harmonised systems of South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. Our consultants can lead you through the requirements of identifying and mitigating risks in cross jurisdictional work environments.
For more information or to arrange a consultation CONTACT