Our consultants hold a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and have substantial industry experience in workplace health and safety management and emergency response.
PJLWHS Consultants will undertake an OHS/WHS Training Needs Analysis to identify the training requirements of your business. We will develop a training curriculum and schedule specific to your needs including:
PJLWHS Consultants will undertake an OHS/WHS Training Needs Analysis to identify the training requirements of your business. We will develop a training curriculum and schedule specific to your needs including:
- Development of your staff in OHS/WHS functions and administration
- Emergency response exercises
- Nationally accredited OHS and First Aid competencies
- Professional development in non-accredited OHS/WHS competencies
first aid
RII0HS204A - Work Safely at Height
RIIOHS202A - Enter and Work in a Confined Space RIIWHS401D - Supervise Work in Confined Space PUAWER002B & PUAWER005B - Fire Warden Training RIIRIS301D - Apply Risk Management Processes RIIRIS402A - Carry Out Risk Management Processes Standard 11- Mining Safety Induction MSAPMOHS217A - Gas Test Atmosphere MSAPMPER300C - Issue Work Permits HLTPAT304D - Collect Pathology Specimens other than Blood (D & A Testing) HLTPAT401D - Collect Pathology Specimens other than Blood for Specialised Testing PUAWER005B - Fire warden and Evacuation |
HLTAID001 - Provide CPR
HLTAID002 - Provide Basic Emergence Life Support HLTAID003 - Provide First Aid HLTAID004 - Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting HLTAID005 - Provide First Aid in Remote Situations HLTAID006 - Provide Advanced First Aid HLTAID007 - Provide Advanced Resuscitation HLTAID008 - Manage First Aid Services and Resources 22082VIC - Emergence Management of Asthma 22099VIC - Emergency Management of Anaphylaxis 22100VIC - Course in Basic Oxygen Administration 22101VIC - Course in Automated External Defibrillation PUAEME005A - Provide Pain Management |
Non-accredited OHS/WHS competencies:
- Application and administration of an HSEQMS
- Asbestos Awareness
- Manual Handling
- Emergency response plans and functions